Highlights and New Officer Installation
Rosa's Italian Restaurant, Pismo Beach
Rosa's Italian Restaurant, Pismo Beach
Our September Branch
meeting topic highlighted the world of ASCE. The San Luis Obispo Branch is
fortunate to have a member of the ASCE Board of Direction, Jennifer Epp, living
here locally. With over ten years of ASCE leadership under her belt, Jennifer
now serves as Chair of ASCE Region 9 (California) and the Director representing
California on the ASCE Board of Direction. Jennifer provided some insight into
the world of ASCE beyond our branch including some exciting statewide and
nationwide initiatives as well as opportunities to get involved.
Also, our newly elected officers for 2013-2014 were installed this month. We are looking forward to another great year with all of our members and officers.
2013/14 ASCE Officers
ASCE President:
Carolyn Berg
President Elect: Anthony Severy
Past-President: Tom Martin
Vice President: Cara Martinez
Treasurer: Ryan Hayes
Secretary: Joe Patterson
Historian: Kyle Anderson
Newsletter Editor: Wes Thompson
Assistant Newsletter Editor: Jazz Gilbert
Membership Chair: Steve Tanaka
Webmaster: Buddy Hain
Public Relations Coordinator: Liz Moody
2013/2014 ASCE SLO Branch Officers
Tom Martin, 2012/2013 ASCE SLO Branch President
and 2012/2013 Past-President, Valerie Huff