John Diodati is San Luis Obispo County's project manager for the formation of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin Water District. The project entails implementing special legislation for the potential formation of a water district with a hybrid board of directors. The project must be navigated through the public process which includes both Board of Supervisor and LAFCO hearings, and culminates in a property owner formation vote, property owner/registered voter Board of Director election, and Prop 218 funding decision.
John has an Ag Science degree and MBA, both from Cal Poly. He has worked on numerous water resource projects throughout the Central Coast, most recently as a team member on the Los Osos Wastewater Project. His presentation will be about the special legislation, the Paso Basin and how the formation process works.
Related Links:
Paso Basin (Dept. of Public Works, SLO County)
San Luis Obispo LAFCO: Paso Robles Basin
Madonna Inn
100 Madonna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Date & Time:
Thursday June 18, 2015 at noon
For additional details and sign-up, please click here.